Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 3 7/26-8/1

In this week I manage to get my character model from week 1 and enemy model from week 2 bone and rigged. I had use the skin modifier to rigged the models because UDK seem to support it. I started out my character model first since it was the most important model. I ran to some troubles when trying to rigged my character. One trouble I ran in was the mirror. When I was done rigging the left side, I would mirror the left side to the right side to get the same rigged affect. It did not work out so well, so I stop trying to mirror and just rigged both side of the character. Another trouble I had was the character motion. It wasn't as smooth as it should, but then I learned I had to add more poly to get smoother movement. Thus, taking what I learn from rigging my character model I had a better attempt when rigging the enemy model. I turn both model to my partner who will work on the animation of the models.



As continuation of the gunsmith from last week, I manage to get the gunsmith model and texture. It was much harder compare to the character model considering the fact that his head wasn't so round. Other than that, it was fairly average. I have yet to determine whether or not the gunsmith will need to be rigged yet, but for now it will be a static mesh. However, I do plan on re-texturing in the future.

One last thing I did in this week is making a rough town model in 3ds Max. I plan on getting together with my partner that is in charge of level design, and organize how the building should be place and designate which building will be what.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 2 7/19-7/25

In this week I manage to complete one enemy model and a revolver. With my first enemy model I plan on making the enemy to be somewhat humanoid while at the same time applied addition feature such as a tail to make it seem more alien-like. I also plan on making another enemy type, except it will be a smaller unit compare to my humanoid. I have yet to determine whether I want the next enemy model to be similar to a dog or a monkey. As for the revolver, I searched for a picture from Google for wild west revolver and pick out a picture that would match the revolver in the wild west. I also made sure to reference the picture of course. Another thing I did when working with the revolver is applied the image I use to make the revolver as texture to my revolver model. I had to do quite a bit of work in Photoshop to get a good match.Another model I tried making is a gunsmith. It is not done, but I plan on finishing next week.

Another thing I did during this week was the main menu page. I manage to find an outline on what I wanted the main menu page to look like. Pretty much all the outline will be done in Photoshop first, and then I put it into Flash. One good feature I made in our Main menu page to make it stand out is creating a page animation to move to next page.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 1 7/8-7/17

                In this week I made a horse model for our game. I decided not to work with any animation until our group have a better view on what the game will be about. The only thing I do know about the game is that it will be a wild west sci-fi game. I decided to make the horse black. This is my first time I made a horse model, but I do plan on making another better version of a horse model in the future.

                Another model I made this week is a character model base on my partner as reference. In the end, I decided this make this character model the main character. This is my first time I texture a model with photos. It turns out really well, and I am planning on doing more of this in the future.

                 One of the last thing I plan on doing this week is get started on creating a main menu page for our game. I do have some menu pages I had work for practices. I plan on using some of these menus ideas.