Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 11 9/20-9/26

In this week, I finish a good final version of my inventory menu and shop menu that will be use in Beta. I also manage to get them to interact with each other in flash. The only thing left to do is to get them to interact with the game. My next objective with flash would be to create a quest menu.

Another thing I did this week is started creating another alien enemy. Unlike before, this time my group gave me some reference to do. The difficult part is that my group only gave me one picture of the head and the body. I will have to use my imagination to do the rest.



With the image above this is how far I manage to get done during this week.

With the head I just think of it as a left side view and use symmetry to get the other half. With the body, I had  to keep create the arm separate. I had to model a good amount of the body shape and then get rid half of the body. I use the bone tool to skin the half of the body to straighten things out so I can use symmetry to get a good other half of the body. I won't need to use the picture again until I finish a good basic shape of the body, and add feature such as the shoulder spike to my enemy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 10 9/13-9/19

To start off, in this week I manage to finish modeling a repeater rifle, I am also done with our pause menu, and close to being done with the inventory system. For the rifle, I use the link from below to model and texture the rifle.

With this:

Got this:

With the pause menu, I follow the flow chart below:

The black line mean you can advance to the next square where as the red line mean you can return back to the previous square. Once the confirmation is set to yes, the game will exit.

The image above show the inventory and shop vendor menu I had been working on. The black circle is a cursor I just use to test some stuff out. I use the example from this site: to get the overall idea on how to create the inventory setup. After showing this to the group, we talked and determine that I will need to make some more adjustment to both of the menu.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

week 9 9/5-9/12

The first thing I did after returning from my break is fix some of the bugs involving my models in the game. I started off with my main menu. There wasn't really any major bug with the main menu. Some stuff I fix was re positioning my Return to main Menu button and reprogram to get the following image below.


In the old main menu my problem was that it should not had started out on page 2 whenever I would click on the prologue button and the back button would be shown. In the new main menu you can see that the Return to main menu button has been re position and that it would start out on page 1.

My other bugs in the game include re positioning the cross-hair to get the ammo collision be spot on the cross-hair. To fix this would involve more programming wise in unrealscript. I also removed two little hexagon shape on the bottom right of the HUD. Finally I fixed some of the texture in the town so that it wouldn't show any of the UV lines.

Other than the bugs, I had scale the pistol down. Before, it was a little big for the hand. I had also finished creating two new models for this week, an npc and another enemy. Rather than new, I pretty much had to take part of old models and add something new to it, and re-texture. Right now, what matters in our group is getting a completed game, rather than a polish unfinished one. So if I have to, I will re-use an even older models that I had made.

Npc 1


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 8 8/29-9/4

In this week, my group and I presented the Alpha phase. I think we did pretty well with our project so far, although there are still a lot of bugs that need to be fix such as Ai path finding. After an unfortunate event with one of our group member, I decided to take a break to release some stress. Our group plan will be to work on the work-statement in the next meeting.